Col. Peter K. Kloeber, USAF (Ret)

Committees: Membership (Chair), Affiliated Councils/Chapters, Governance

Col. Peter K. Kloeber, USAF (Ret)

Kloeber was commissioned in the Air Force following his graduation from California State University at San Jose with a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering technology. He subsequently earned masters’ degrees from the University of Southern California in systems management and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in National Resource Strategy.


He retired from active duty in 1999 after more than 32 years of service (including eight enlisted) as a civil engineer. His final military assignment was as Deputy Director of Civil Engineering at Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. He now resides in Flagstaff, Ariz.


Kloeber’s civilian career included financial budgeting and reporting for military, public and private sectors. He has more than 20 years of extensive volunteer service on numerous corporate and private boards, demonstrating his organizational leadership, strategic planning experience, and service to the community.

Career Highlights

  • Inducted into the Academy of Fellows, Society of American Military Engineers
  • Inducted into the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame
  • Served as chair, Arizona Veterans' Service Advisory Commission