Marking Milestones: MOAA Seeks Stories From World War II Veterans

Marking Milestones: MOAA Seeks Stories From World War II Veterans
Veterans smile broadly while celebrating their discharge from the Army in May 1945. (Army/Interim Archives/Getty Images)

By MOAA Staff

This year and next will mark the 75th anniversary of multiple major events in the Second World War. From D-Day to victory in the Pacific, and all the milestones in between, MOAA hopes to tell the stories of those who took part in these moments … with your help.

Do you know a World War II veteran who was part of the Allied race to Berlin? Who landed on Utah Beach in 1944, or on Iwo Jima in 1945? Did a member of your MOAA chapter celebrate V-E Day in Paris? Was your neighbor a Navy nurse who marked V-J Day on the streets of New York City? MOAA will collect these memories from servicemembers, spouses, and others as part of a variety of anniversary efforts that will be available at and via Military Officer magazine.

If you have a story, or if you'd like more information, please email Digital Content Specialist Katie Lathrop at Include all relevant contact details, a MOAA member ID (if applicable), and any specifics that may help guide our communications team. Please keep in mind that magazine deadlines require significant lead time for such materials, so while there is no deadline, we are hoping to receive any information at least 10-12 weeks, or more, before the 75th anniversary of the event in question.

For many groups of World War II veterans, reunion efforts are slowly reaching their end. MOAA hopes to compile these first-person accounts to provide a direct link to history for younger, and future, members of the military community. Please consider reaching out today.

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