Help MOAA End the ‘180-Day Rule’ for Retirees Seeking Most DoD Civilian Jobs
The delay handicaps DoD’s talent search and limits retirees’ career choices. It could be changed in this year’s NDAA.
Belinsky is MOAA's former Director, Currently Serving and Retired Affairs.
The delay handicaps DoD’s talent search and limits retirees’ career choices. It could be changed in this year’s NDAA.
Officials: COVID-19 precautions, background checks, and a new multibillion-dollar contract promise a better moving experience.
Letters from the group to key lawmakers back two critical bills. It’s time to add your support.
This legislation is the next step as MOAA continues to fight to fully eliminate concurrent receipt, and grant the full disability and retirement pay our veterans deserve.
This behavior has become toxic to the military. This legislation takes a necessary step forward.
The NDAA sent mixed messages on DoD plans to combine the shopping systems. Here’s what you should know.