Concurrent Receipt Programs: All You Need to Know (and More) About CRDP and CRSC

Concurrent Receipt Programs: All You Need to Know (and More) About CRDP and CRSC
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It has been over a decade since the last minor legislative changes to concurrent receipt processes, yet numerous misconceptions about Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP) and Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) persist. 
Join MOAA’s financial professional Capt. Paul Frost, USN (Ret), AFC®, for a comprehensive examination of each concurrent receipt program. Topics include:

  • A historical review of concurrent receipt programs.
  • How pay agencies implement each program.
  • Complex calculations for reserve and medical retiree concurrent receipt.
  • Eligible for both CRDP and CRSC? Learn how to determine which program is best for you.


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