I’m a Reservist in the Gray Area. Because of combat time, I’ll be eligible to start collecting retired pay at age 58. What are my TRICARE options?  

I’m a Reservist in the Gray Area. Because of combat time, I’ll be eligible to start collecting retired pay at age 58. What are my TRICARE options?  

Even if you qualify for retired pay at age 58, you don’t qualify for TRICARE Prime or Select until you turn 60. However, you are eligible to purchase the premium-based TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR) health plan for you and your eligible family members.

When you turn 60, you and your family become eligible for the same TRICARE health benefits as all other retired service members.


Download Transitioning Into Medicare And Tricare For Life

This guide helps you prepare for, transition into, and understand TRICARE For Life and Medicare with confidence and ease. Available to PREMIUM & LIFE members.

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Lila Quintiliani, ChFC®, AFC®
Lila Quintiliani, ChFC®, AFC®


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