

MilSpouse Entrepreneur Spotlight on Rachel Brenke

Rachel Brenke is the founder of the Business Bites podcast and several successful legal niche brands, including TheLawTog®, FitLegally, and BlogLegally. She is also a mother of five, wife to an Army veteran, a practicing lawyer, an author, a cancer

What Type of Job Seeker Are You?

Ask five people how you should spend your time job seeking, and you’ll get five different answers. Every job seeker’s situation is unique, so you need a unique strategy. Listen to recommendations and read up on job search strategies from


VA Health Data to Transfer Easier than DOD’S to New EHR System

Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.), chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, returned from a recent visit to Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., alarmed that the Department of Veterans Affairs might have made a bad decision last June to replace its legacy electronic health record system, VistA, with the same commercial off-the-shelf system that the military is adopting, starting with Pacific Northwest bases.

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