Heritage Hunt Chapter

Last updated 5/8/2024
Address 13976 Real Quite Ct
City, State, Zip Gainesville, VA 20155-3148
Meeting Time April, June, Sep and Dec
Meeting Place Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club
Council Website https://moaavcoc.org/
Basic information
Address 13976 Real Quite Ct
City, State, Zip Gainesville, VA 20155-3148
Meeting Time April, June, Sep and Dec
Meeting Place Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club
Council Website https://moaavcoc.org/
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Cyrus N Shearer Mr. William H Baird Bernard L Ziegler
Rank LTC Capt COL
Component USA USAF USA
Retirement Status RET FRM RET
Phone Number (703) 743-1846 (703) 743-1625 (703) 743-2122
Email Address cyinhh@comcast.net Bairdwh@comcast.net blz007@aol.com
Name Cyrus N Shearer
Rank LTC
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (703) 743-1846
Email Address cyinhh@comcast.net
Name Mr. William H Baird
Rank Capt
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status FRM
Phone Number (703) 743-1625
Email Address Bairdwh@comcast.net
Name Bernard L Ziegler
Rank COL
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (703) 743-2122
Email Address blz007@aol.com


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General Information

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