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Note: Limits apply to physical copies. Affiliate leaders should contact the MOAA Member Service Center (800-234-6622) or email to request authorization for additional hard copies to support council- and/or chapter-related and activities activities.
MOAA provides the guidance you need on a variety of topics. Find the publication you need in any of the subjects below. Looking for more information? Visit our News Listing, or check out the digital version of Military Officer.
Whether you're debating the merits of a career-starter loan or shopping for annuities, MOAA wants to help make these financial decisions easier for you to understand. In this publication, our staff experts discuss numerous situations and, for our PREMIUM and LIFE members, provide further counseling on issues discussed in the guide and additional topics not covered.
Maintaining an estate plan should be a priority for everyone. Use this MOAA resource to develop yours.
Your future retirement depends on how well you save and invest. Let MOAA experts provide you the guidance you need with this resource.
Discover the required qualifications and processes to receive all of the benefits and entitlements you've earned.
Use this quick reference for up-to-date necessary resources to navigate your way through your military career.
Use this publication, which includes worksheets, to help you in making your Survivor Benefit Plan decisions. (Digital Version Only)
Use this publication to help you better understand CRDP and CRSC and answer commonly asked questions.
Newly Updated! Changing jobs can be stressful and challenging - especially when it's a transition from the military to the private sector. MOAA's experts have been assisting officers in this transition period for decades and have created this publication to guide you through the various steps and aspects of your transition. For our PREMIUM and LIFE Members, MOAA's transition staff provide one-on-one counseling, interview practice, resume critiques, and other tools to assist in this process.
Transitioning to new medical coverage when reaching age 65 can seem like a daunting task. MOAA has created a publication and included a checklist to help you prepare for, transition into, and understand TRICARE For Life and Medicare with confidence and ease. For our PREMIUM and LIFE Members, benefits counseling with MOAA staff experts will assist in troubleshooting questions specific to your situation.
This simple-to-use checklist highlights steps to prepare for retirement and the necessities for the applications process for retired pay.
New for 2024! MOAA's Transition Guide offers advice about post-service opportunities.
This guide can help you prepare, make decisions, and ease the financial, medical, and property transition for your family after you're gone. For our PREMIUM and LIFE Members, benefits and financial counseling with MOAA staff experts can assist you through this process. Sign up for LIFE membership today and your spouse will maintain a LIFE membership with access to all benefits upon your death.
Keep this essential checklist on hand to refer to when dealing with a death in the family.
Use this resource for planning and decision-making regarding military burials and rights and to create a plan for the future.
Following the death of a loved one, it can be overwhelming to keep track of what arrangements need to be made, who needs to be contacted, and notes on important phone calls. Designed by surviving spouses, this handbook is intended to help you do just that.
National MOAA has compiled a guide of best practices for its nearly 400 affiliates. This guide provides detailed information and suggestions regarding the formation, organization, and management of MOAA state councils and geographic and virtual chapters. This is the primary reference for council and chapter leaders on all matters pertaining to MOAA's chapter system.
This workbook was created to share information, resource tools, and best practices to enable council and chapter leaders to grow and sustain strong chapters.
Readiness is as important for active duty families as it is for our military, which is why MOAA has created a publication to help your family organize crucial military, benefits, financial, and family information. Our electronic version allows you to update your records easily as your family changes and moves throughout your military career. For our PREMIUM and LIFE Members, benefits and financial counseling with MOAA staff experts will complement the process of completing this workbook. (Digital Version Only)
Keeping in mind the unique challenges of being a military spouse, this career guide provides information and resources for your career pursuit.
Covering topics from retired pay to tax reporting, this valuable resource assists you when discussing benefits and the Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act with legal counsel and domestic law specialists. (Digital Version Only)
This guide gives you all the information you need to have your voice heard by Congress. (Digital Version Only)
The information and checklists included in this guide will help you understand which benefits you are entitled to as a surviving spouse and what changes you can expect after you remarry. (Digital Version Only)