Central Arkansas Chapter of MOAA

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address PO Box 5046
City, State, Zip Jacksonville, AR 72078-5046
Meeting Time 1st Tuesday of the month except Jun-Aug
Meeting Place Varies
Chapter Website http://www.moaa-arkansas.org/
Council Website http://www.moaa-arkansas.org/
Basic information
Address PO Box 5046
City, State, Zip Jacksonville, AR 72078-5046
Meeting Time 1st Tuesday of the month except Jun-Aug
Meeting Place Varies
Chapter Website http://www.moaa-arkansas.org/
Council Website http://www.moaa-arkansas.org/
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name John McNally Don K Berry N/A
Rank LTC Col
Service USA USAF
Component USA USAF
Retirement Status RET RET
Phone Number (501) 773-5189
Email Address mcnallyjb@gmail.com dkberry2@sbcglobal.net
Name John McNally
Rank LTC
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number
Email Address mcnallyjb@gmail.com
Name Don K Berry
Rank Col
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (501) 773-5189
Email Address dkberry2@sbcglobal.net
Name N/A
Retirement Status
Phone Number
Email Address


CACMOAA's mission is to benefit our members, regardless of service, their families, and survivors, and to serve as advocates for a strong national defense and provide support to our communities and our members.

Information on Joining the Chapter

To join CACMOAA, active duty, retired, or former officers in any of the components of the USA/USMC/USN/USAF/USCG/Public Health or NOAA, or their surviving spouses should contact the secretary at cacmoaa@aol.com. Another way is to write CACMOAA, P.O. Box 5046, Jacksonville, AR 72078

Chapter Activities

CACMOAA holds four meetings a year, usually with our spouses including a Christmas dance. We support 1 ROTC and 10 JROTC programs. A CACMOAA sponsored luncheon group meets monthly at Corky's BBQ, N. Little Roc on the 1st Monday at 1130 (2nd Mon when the 1st is a federal holiday) and is open not only to MOAA members but to any retired officer.

Legislative Issues

Our 1st VP is a specialist in legislative issues and updates chapter officers at our Board meetings, luncheons, and dinners.

General Information

Our chapter dues are $10 per year or $25 for three years. Surviving spouses dues are $5 per year and $10 for three years.

About Our Chapter

Known as CACMOAA, our chapter was chartered in 1959 and is the oldest in AR, and serves the central part of the state. Our quarterly meetings and dinners are usually at Little Rock AFB in the consolidated club (known as Hangar 1080). Our newsletter, "Stars and Bars" is mailed to our 179 members but we hope to use e-mail in the near future. Our complimentary members include our local member of congress, two state senators, and the 19 Airlift Wing/CC.