Central Texas Chapter

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address PO Box 2326
City, State, Zip Harker Heights, TX 76548-0986
Meeting Time Monthly, on the 3rd Friday at 11:30 hours (no meeting in September or December)
Meeting Place The Lions Den, 5100 Trimmier Road, Killeen, TX
Chapter Website http://www.texas-moaa.org
Council Website http://www.texas-moaa.org
Basic information
Address PO Box 2326
City, State, Zip Harker Heights, TX 76548-0986
Meeting Time Monthly, on the 3rd Friday at 11:30 hours (no meeting in September or December)
Meeting Place The Lions Den, 5100 Trimmier Road, Killeen, TX
Chapter Website http://www.texas-moaa.org
Council Website http://www.texas-moaa.org
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name David Sage Louis R Bass Alan R Horn
Component USA USA USA
Retirement Status RET RET RET
Phone Number (337) 537-8393 (254) 291-9522 (817) 545-7226
Email Address sagedavid@me.com rebass@hot.rr.com hornalan@hotmail.com
Name David Sage
Rank COL
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (337) 537-8393
Email Address sagedavid@me.com
Name Louis R Bass
Rank LTC
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (254) 291-9522
Email Address rebass@hot.rr.com
Name Alan R Horn
Rank LTC
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (817) 545-7226
Email Address hornalan@hotmail.com


The Central Texas Chapter exist to: A. to promote the purposes and objectives of the Military Officers Association of America; B. to foster fraternal relations among retires, active and former officers of the uniformed services; C. to protect the rights and interest of personnel of the uniformed services and their dependents and survivors; D. to provide useful service for members and their dependents and survivors and E. to serve the community and the nation. | 2016 Officers & Appointees: President - Aaron Zook; 1st VP - Dewitt Mayfield; 2nd VP - Reggie Bass, Secretary - Tom Brautigan; Treasurer - Tony Kosta; Past President - Dick Archer. New Directors (2016, 2017, 2018): Ed Bantas and Leona Mae DeGraw. Returning Directors: 2015-16-17 - Jeff Davison, Len Gulig and 2014-15-16: Pat Christ, Billy Hengler. Appointed officials: Area Veterans Advisory Committee - John Grimm/Frank Somera; Surviving Spouse Liaison Group - Mari Meyer. Please see below ...

Information on Joining the Chapter

Officers active, retired and former officers, widows & widowers of deceased officers of all US uniformed services, Reserves or other components of those services are eligible for membership. Honorary member, associate & auxiliary members are considered upon written request. Individuals may obtain membership during mtg, by mail (P.O Box 2986, Harker Heights, TX 76548),by contacting 2nd VP Membership, Reggie Bass, rebass@hot.rr.com or by contacting any officer or chapter member. To be eligible for chapter membership, an individual must be a member of the National Organization(applications for membership are available at meetings & from each member). The 2013 National Chapter Membership program provides new incentives for new members to include free chapter memberships. The new Recruiting Program will provide the local chapter names and email addresses of both Active Duty and Retired National members who are not yet affiliated with the local chapter, however have opted to be contacted.

Chapter Activities

Awards and Public Affairs Committees: Chaplain - Greg Schannep; Legislative Chairman - Dewitt Mayfield; Personal Affairs - Leona Mae DeGraw; Public Relations - Aaron Zook President Emeritus: Jack Oliver; Scholarship Chairman - Bill Nance; Webmaster - Open. The next chapter meeting will be 20 January at the Shilo Inn in Killeen.

Legislative Issues

The Legislative Chairman presents current and future activities at the community, State and Legistation covered are laws, new policies, health care and other personal issues. Special emphasis is placed on activities affecting officers, veterans and their dependents. | Army Echo is available at www.armyg1.army.mil/rso/echoes.asp | MOAA recommends establishing electronic distribution of the Echo. | You can review Congressional Bills on MOAA.org, NAUS@NAUS.org or THOMAS.loc.gov (hosted by the Liberty of Congress). | "Retirees eligible for TFL will face outpatient costs a VA hospitals and clinics starting 1 OCT if they continue to seek care there for conditions not rated as service-connected". If you are enrolled in a VA health care program, you have VA health coverage and appropriate benefits. See www.tricare.mil/tfl and/or www.tricare.mil/findaprovider. Source: Mil.Com, 22 Aug 2013. See www.va.gov/aca for more information about the relationships between VA health care and the Affordable Care Act.

General Information

Websites for information (all preceded by http://www.) a. VA.GOV; b. CRDAMC.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL; c. MOAA.ORG; d. SSA.GOV. e. TEXASONLINE; f. MEDICARE.GOV; g. TRICARE.MIL. NOTE: The Texas MOAA Website has recently been updated: www.centexmoaa.org. Share the chapter web page with your friends and potential members. NOTE: Click on the links at the bottom of the MOAA webpage for more additional information. Chapter members are encouraged to provide input and feedback to the Webmaster. IMPORTANT WEBSITE FOR VETERANS: http://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel. Vaccination are now available via TRICARE with no copayment at participating retail network pharmacies. Find participating pharmacies at http://www.express-scripts.com/TRICARE/pharmacy of call 1-877-363-1303. Call first to verify dates and times, any restrictions and availability of vaccines. See www.cdc.gov for vaccines in this new program. |The annual POW/MIA Ceremony will take place at CRDAMC flag pole Friday (15 Sep)at 9 AM. | Other events/dates in September: Gold Star/Mother's Day - 24 and VFW Day - 29.

About Our Chapter

The Central Texas Chapter conducts monthly meeting (except Dec) at the Shilo Inn in Killeen (September meeting will be at the Dead Fish in Belton). The President opens the membership meeting at Noon. We honor the National Colors and have a prayer by the Chaplain. A business meeting is conducted followed by a guest speaker. Guest speaker have high level of importance, i.e. Congressman, MD, PhD, GO, District Engineers, Directors, Military Commander, School Superintendent, University President and other community leaders. The main project of the chapter is to provide $1500.00 scholarship to a graduating High School Sr who has been accepted into a University ROTC Program or qualifying Tech College. Member serving as sponsors are linked with 7 local HS JROTC Units to assist Senior Leader. Additional special project funded & supported, e.g. purchase, installation and dedication of a marble bench at the State Vet Cemetery. Chapter meetings adjourn at 1 PM. Board of Directors meet at 11 AM.