Lafayette Chapter

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address 2603 S River Rd
City, State, Zip West Lafayette, IN 47906-4346
Meeting Time 2d Monday 12:00
Meeting Place MCL Cafeteria, West Lafayette IN
Chapter Website None
Council Website None
Basic information
Address 2603 S River Rd
City, State, Zip West Lafayette, IN 47906-4346
Meeting Time 2d Monday 12:00
Meeting Place MCL Cafeteria, West Lafayette IN
Chapter Website None
Council Website None
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Charles A Jindrich N/A Clemens Lee Schroll
Service USN USA
Component USNR USA
Retirement Status RET RET
Phone Number (765) 583-6305 (765) 447-9234
Email Address
Name Charles A Jindrich
Service USN
Component USNR
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (765) 583-6305
Email Address
Name N/A
Retirement Status
Phone Number
Email Address
Name Clemens Lee Schroll
Rank LTC
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (765) 447-9234
Email Address


The mission of our chapter is to promote the purposes and objectives of MOAA and to especially foster a fraternal relationship among serving, retired and former officers of the uniformed services in North Central Indiana. We strive to provide useful information and services to our members and their survivors as well as serving the community at large, especially veterans. We have a special interest in supporting the Indiana Veteran's Home, which is located in West Lafayette, IN and it's residents. We advocate for a strong national defense and support the maintenance and increase of pay and benefits to serving members, retires of the uniformed services. We monitor legistation at both the national and state levels and regularly lobby our legislators.

Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership in our chapter is open to all current and former commissioned and warrant officers and their surviving spouses of any of the seven uniformed services (US Army, US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Air Force, US Coast Guard, US Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) including their Reserve or National Guard components. The best way to join our chapter is to attend one of our meetings. Further information can be obtained by contacting us at or by contacting the Chapter Secretary, Jerry L. Brown, MAJ, USMC, Ret at (765) 743-3813 or Lafayette Chapter dues are $10.00 per year and we highly recommend membership in the national MOAA organization. Responding to MOAA headquarters will also provide a referral to us.

Chapter Activities

We participate in activities and events of local veteran and patriotic organizations. We provide financial as well as volunteer support at the Indiana Veteran's Home and it's residents as well as homeless veterans. A speaker is invited to each meeting to provide information relevant to our membership. Speaker topics range from current and historical military issues, veteran's issues, legislative issues and community activities to personal affairs information. We support the three ROTC (Army, Navy and Air Force) commands at Purdue University. Our members are provided access to expert advice and information concerning pay, benefits and insurance (especially TRICARE and Dental). Our members are provided contact with others who have similar interests and backgrounds for advancement of our personal and or professional needs.

Legislative Issues

We monitor state and federal legislative initiatives and encourage our elected representatives to either support or oppose legislation depending on how the legislation effects our membership. We are currently advocating the increase the Indiana Income Tax exemption for military pay, which currently is $5000 and military retired pay, which is currently $6250 to the full amount of military pay. In addition, we strongly support increased funding for the Indiana Veteran's Home especially improvement of facilities and care of residents. As a part of monitoring legislative issues we regularly contact our elected representatives in order to insure they clearly understand our position on issues and proposed leegislation. We routinely act with other veterans organizations to achieve common goals. In addition to maintaining personal contact with our elected representatives we offer legislative testimony as well as contact with staff members.

General Information

Our annual meeting, with the election of officers, is held each November. Monthly meeting reminders and meeting agendas are sent out monthly. The primary means of communication for our chapter is e-mail. We encourage members to suggest speaker topics.

About Our Chapter

The Lafayette Chapter was originaly chartered on April 15,1993 as a TROA (The Retired Officers Association) Chapter. Located in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, we serve North Central Indiana. We are located about half way between Indianapolis, IN and Chicago, IL. Currently we have 63 members. We meet at the MCL Cafeteria and Bakery, which is located at 521 Sagamore Parkway (US Hwy 52), in West Lafayette, IN. We meet the second Monday of each month at noon with a meal available prior to the meeting. An annual membership roster is published for the personal use of chapter members and their survivors. We also maintain an e-mail network to notify members of upcoming meetings, speakers and presentations, legislative alerts, member death notices and to provide other important information.