Lincolnland Chapter

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address 61 Laconwood Dr
City, State, Zip Springfield, IL 62712-8727
Meeting Time Time varies
Meeting Place Place varies
Chapter Website
Council Website
Basic information
Address 61 Laconwood Dr
City, State, Zip Springfield, IL 62712-8727
Meeting Time Time varies
Meeting Place Place varies
Chapter Website
Council Website
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name David W Knieriem David B Miller David W Knieriem
Rank Maj LTC Maj
Retirement Status RET RET RET
Phone Number (217) 529-8014
Email Address
Name David W Knieriem
Rank Maj
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number
Email Address
Name David B Miller
Rank LTC
Service USA
Component ARNG
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (217) 529-8014
Email Address
Name David W Knieriem
Rank Maj
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number
Email Address


The mission of the Lincoln Land Chapter is to keep its members informed on matters which affect the military community, encourage the education of America and its future leaders through support of a local and national scholarship program, and provide an opportunity for member social interaction through frequent, varied, and informative meetings.

Information on Joining the Chapter

You may obtain information on joining the Lincoln Land Chapter or making dinner reservations by contacting our Chapter Officers (Listed Above) Or by going to our website:

Chapter Activities

The Chapter typically meets five times per year, usually in the months of March, May, August, October and December. The specific meeting dates, times and locations are shown below (General Information) and announced in the chapter's award winning newsletter, "The Salute".  Most of our meetings consist of a social hour, meal, short business meeting and a guest speaker on a topic relevant to the members. The August meeting is considered our summer outing and award of our Chapter Scholarship,  Most recently it has been held at Island Bay Yacht Club in Springfield, IL.  December is our holiday and event, as well as our Chapter Scholarship Fundraiser to benefit both the national and local scholarship programs. Membership meeting dates and locations are typically announced in the State Journal Register in the Who, When, and Where section of the newspaper. The chapter also support the Gold Star Program in conjunction with the Illinois Military Academy.

Legislative Issues

Lincoln Land Chapter MOAA is strictly a non-partisan organization whose mission is to promote the interest of the military coalition, military officers and military families. The chapter vigorously promotes the legislative priorities of the Military Officers Association of America.  We ensure our membership receives this information via our Chapter Website and Newsletters, as well as periodic email blasts to the membership.

General Information

Upcoming Chapter Membership Dinner meetings and locations are available on our Chapter Website (  All commissioned officers of all service branches are welcomed to join us, though reservations are requested.

About Our Chapter

Lincoln Land Chapter, Military Officers Association of America was founded in the early 1970s by a small group of military officers, and has been chartered as an affiliate member in 1973. Since that date, the chapter has grown to over 50 active, guard, reserve, retired, and former military officers from all branches of the military and their surviving spouses. Also eligible for membership are current or former members of the Coast Guard, Public Health Service and NOAA. The chapter publishes a newsletter, The Salute, several weeks in advance of member meetings. Lincoln Land Chapter activities are held in the Springfield, Illinois area, and has members approximately within a 50-mile radius. The Chapter's website is: