Old Capitol Area, MOAA

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address PO Box 1314
City, State, Zip Milledgeville, GA 31059-1314
Meeting Time 3rd Friday at 1800
Meeting Place Georgia Military College
Chapter Website http://www.gamoaa.org/
Council Website http://www.gamoaa.org/
Basic information
Address PO Box 1314
City, State, Zip Milledgeville, GA 31059-1314
Meeting Time 3rd Friday at 1800
Meeting Place Georgia Military College
Chapter Website http://www.gamoaa.org/
Council Website http://www.gamoaa.org/
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Donald H Nau Franklin Baugh N/A
Rank 1LT Lt Col
Service USA USAF
Component USA USAF
Retirement Status FMR RET
Phone Number
Email Address followme25th@aol.com frankbaugh@hotmail.com
Name Donald H Nau
Rank 1LT
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status FMR
Phone Number
Email Address followme25th@aol.com
Name Franklin Baugh
Rank Lt Col
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number
Email Address frankbaugh@hotmail.com
Name N/A
Retirement Status
Phone Number
Email Address


The mission of the Old Capitol Area Chapter is to foster fraternal relations among retired, active duty, and former officers of the uniformed services and to advocate for a strong national defense while providing needed support to the community and its members.

Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership in the Old Capitol Area Chapter is open to anyone who holds or has ever held a commission or warrant in any component of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and their surviving spouses. For more information, contact Frank Baugh at 912-337-5323 / frankbaugh@hotmail.com or send for an application to Old Capitol Area Chapter, MOAA; P.O. Box 1314, Milledgeville GA 31059

Chapter Activities

The Old Capitol Area Chapter generally holds 8 meetings a year (September through May) featuring guest speakers on topics relevant to the members. The Chapter historically participates in the annual Georgia Military College Grand Tattoo each April and special Gold Bar presentations for GMC and Mercer university cadets in May. In addition, the chapter supports the local Georgia Army National Guard Battalion, local veteran outreach, junior and senior ROTC programs and sponsors annual scholarships.

Legislative Issues

The Old Capitol Area Chapter supports the MOAA national legislative agenda and we annually invite our Congressional Representative to speak to the chapter. The chapter is also active in supporting the state council in various state veterans' issues.

General Information

MOAA Chapter meetings are dinner meetings generally on the third Friday of each month between September and May (except December). Meetings are usually at Georgia Military College or GMC Lake Lot beginning at 6:00 PM.

About Our Chapter

Our chapter serves the counties of Baldwin, Greene, Hancock, Jasper, Jones, Laurens, Morgan, Putnam, Twiggs, Washington, and Wilkinson Counties in the heart of the “old capitol” region of middle Georgia. Our Chapter consists of some three dozen current, former and retired military officers and survivors (WWII era to present) from every branch of service. Our chapter customarily meets monthly between September and May (every third Friday) at 6:00 PM at Georgia Military College in Milledgeville Georgia