Paul Revere Chapter

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address 71 Myrtle Ave
City, State, Zip Wakefield, MA 01880-4025
Meeting Time 2nd Thursday
Meeting Place Various Locations in Congressional Districts 3, 5, 6, and 7 as well as Hanscom AFB
Chapter Website None
Council Website None
Basic information
Address 71 Myrtle Ave
City, State, Zip Wakefield, MA 01880-4025
Meeting Time 2nd Thursday
Meeting Place Various Locations in Congressional Districts 3, 5, 6, and 7 as well as Hanscom AFB
Chapter Website None
Council Website None
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Paul J Cancelliere Kevin Mahoney Kevin Mahoney
Retirement Status RET FRM FRM
Phone Number (781) 621-8269 (978)764-0351 (978)764-0351
Email Address
Name Paul J Cancelliere
Rank MAJ
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (781) 621-8269
Email Address
Name Kevin Mahoney
Service NOAA
Component NOAA
Retirement Status FRM
Phone Number (978)764-0351
Email Address
Name Kevin Mahoney
Service NOAA
Component NOAA
Retirement Status FRM
Phone Number (978)764-0351
Email Address


The mission of the Paul Revere Chapter is to facilitate camaraderie among retired, active duty and former officers of the Uniformed Services, and to pursue the following objectives: to promote the aims of MOAA at the local level; to assist, as applicable, in the achievements of legislative and other objectives of MOAA; to provide useful services and assistance for members, their dependents and survivors; to foster favorable public attitudes toward the Uniformed Services; to stimulate love of our Country and our Flag; to serve the local community and the nation; to defend the honor and integrity of our Government and provide allegiance to said Government under the U.S. Constitution; to keep members updated on legislative matters directly and/or indirectly impacting on members of MOAA and the overall military community; and, to accomplish any other compatible and/or related projects as may be approved by the Chapter Board of Directors and the membership.


Information on Joining the Chapter

Our Chapter welcomes new members to our activities. Any person who has served as a commissioned or warrant officer in any of the uniformed components - Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, Space Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service or NOAA - is eligible for membership, as well as any surviving spouse of an eligible member. Annual dues are $20 covering the costs of mailings, email services and administrative costs. Dues can be paid by using the MOAA web services,, by check sent to the mailing address for the chapter, or by cash at one of the monthly chapter events. For further information, please contact the Membership Chair, Kevin Mahoney, at

Chapter Activities


The Paul Revere Chapter normally meets six to eight times a year for lunch or dinner at a variety of locations primarily in Middlesex and Essex Counties and occasionally in Boston. Members meet during the second Thursday or Saturday of the month. The chapter supports Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA, several college and university ROTC programs, as well as many high school JROTC programs.

Legislative Issues

The Paul Revere Chapter advocates preserving promises and commitments made to servicemembers, and fulfills two fundamental purposes for advocacy: further MOAA legislative objectives; to protect rights and interests of active duty/reserve component/veteran and retired servicemembers and their families. These initiatives support both state and local legislators as well as federal legislators. Chapter members work to support the MOAA annual Signature event, Advocacy In Action, as part of the Annual Council Presidents meeting in Washington D.C. Did you know that the Chapter spirit made legislative history in the Bay State forming law granting veterans state income tax exemption for military retired pay, a measure that honors troops and their family's military service? Chapter members worked to gain a decision (contributory vs. non-contributory) for the initiative bringing the case to MA Commissioner of Revenue, May 1995, later to the U.S. Supreme Court in Oct. 1995 for a final decision. This state benefit, begun in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, gained traction with other states. Thanks to dozens of MOAA members, many states now offer state income tax exemption for military retirement pay. For additional information view MOAA annual Military Family State Report Card. 

General Information

All activities of the Chapter are announced through emails to members, on this website, and on our Facebook page.  We normally hold six to eight general meetings (luncheon/dinner) a year. Our Chapter newsletter is distributed via email. The Chapter Board of Directors meets monthly usually on the third Thursday and all members are welcome to attend. Leadership opportunities are available within the Chapter and we encourage any member to take on one of these positions. Please contact any of the names above for further details on membership and the Chapter in general. Guests are welcome at general meetings to learn more about the Chapter. Please visit our Facebook Page:

About Our Chapter

Please visit our Facebook Page:  The Paul Revere Chapter is an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). We meet throughout Middlesex, Suffolk, and Essex counties as well as Hanscom AFB. We support the JROTC/ROTC MOAA medal programs, personally making the award presentation whenever feasible. We maintain an active presence for state/national legislative issues and recruitment initiatives. We devote time at our meetings to stay informed about military and veterans organizations and activities, through both invited speakers and general discussion. We promote the purposes and objectives of MOAA including preserving and enhancing the welfare and benefits of all past, present and future members of the Uniformed Military Services, their families and their survivors, and providing an opportunity for camaraderie and discussion on items of interest for the Chapter members.