Summer Storm 2020: A Key Goal Reached, But More Work Is Needed

Summer Storm 2020: A Key Goal Reached, But More Work Is Needed

We’re halfway through MOAA’s Summer Storm 2020, and thanks to the work of our members throughout the nation, we’ve reached a major milestone in our fight to preserve military health care benefits.


I can report 100% contact with every senator, via nearly 1,900 letters to their offices, asking them to help get two critical House provisions (Sections 715 and 716) into the final version of the Fiscal 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This still remains the overall objective; we must keep the pressure on. 


The context of our efforts continues to evolve, and legislators may be distracted by related news about proposed changes to the military health care system.


This doesn’t change the path of our Storm. To help MOAA reach this legislative goal, you can:

  • Send this updated letter to your senators now. Make sure they understand how proposed changes to military medicine will affect those who have served full careers in uniform, and their families.
  • Share this article, and other Summer Storm resources, with your family and friends – anyone can use our link to send a letter to their senators.
  • Engage on social media to spread the word even farther. Share the importance of this issue on social media using #MOAASummerStorm. Already on Twitter? Just click here to make your voice heard.


We have all done so much to protect our benefits, but it will take our unified message to give us a fighting chance. Now that we’ve put this issue on the radar of all 100 senators, it’s critical to continue the push – whether you’re one of the 200,000 beneficiaries who may lose access to military treatment facilities under these reforms, one of the millions more whose care will suffer because of planned medical staff reductions, or simply fighting to ensure our servicemembers and their families get what they’ve earned.


At this halfway point, it’s time to redouble our efforts. Reach out to your lawmakers today.


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About the Author

Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret)
Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret)

Merry is a former Vice President of Government Relations at MOAA.