Success is all in how you define it. Becoming CEO and making a six-figure salary doesn’t have to be your vision of success, or maybe it is. The point is, you and your family have to decide how to define career success based upon your personal priorities.
Is it learning something new? Achieving work-life balance? Being challenged? Proper salary and benefits compensation? Flexibility? Only you can decide what is right for you.
The path to your goals will be totally unique. What worked for others might not work so well for you, but here are some timeless principles to help guide you in your decision-making process.
Preparation. Make a personal assessment. Establish your “must have” and “absolutely not” considerations. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Then set your objectives and job search strategy.
[RELATED MOAA WEBINAR: Which Business Sector Is Right for You?]
Research. Conduct a comprehensive investigation of the employment landscape. What is the employment outlook in various industries and sectors and your desired geographic location?
Focus. Narrow down your most promising leads. Based upon your personal priorities, select from the best available options. Develop a network of strategic contacts and relationships to target those specific opportunities.
[RELATED: MOAA’s 37,000+ member LinkedIn Career Networking Group]
Closure. Capitalize on knowledge gained through your personal transition process. Be prepared to articulate your qualifications and value. Commit to employers that recognize your skills, abilities, and interests. Remain positive. It is all about knocking on the right door at the right time with the right message.
Remember, you are the best decision-maker. Be confident your career path is waiting for you, then take action, adapt when needed, and persevere to achieve lifetime employability and career success.
Prepare for Your Next Step. MOAA has tools for you no matter where you are in your career, or in your career search. Check out webinars, one-on-one career counseling, résumé critiques, and more. To access exclusive content and resources, join as a Premium Member today.
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