I am a drilling Reservist, what’s the best way to demonstrate both my civilian and military experiences succinctly on a resume?

I am a drilling Reservist, what’s the best way to demonstrate both my civilian and military experiences succinctly on a resume?

The resume for someone with a “blended” military-civilian career can be challenging, but there are ways to coherently demonstrate the breadth of your experience to a potential employer – provided it is relevant to the role. As a resume writing best practice, whenever developing your resume for a specific role, only include the skills and experiences that are directly applicable. One way to effectively do this is by separating the two by page. Another way, is to use a functional resume format which allows you to showcase your experience by function or skillset.


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Lila Quintiliani, ChFC®, AFC®
Lila Quintiliani, ChFC®, AFC®


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