Member Spotlight
MOAA Member Inducted Into Arkansas Military Veterans’ Hall of Fame
In addition to his 39 years of military service, Capt. Clifford C. Mosier, USA (Ret), led a flag education program that taught over 5,000 schoolchildren.
In addition to his 39 years of military service, Capt. Clifford C. Mosier, USA (Ret), led a flag education program that taught over 5,000 schoolchildren.
The January issue of Council and Chapter News is now available. Find details about national MOAA award submissions, learn about the Surviving Spouse Advisory Council’s efforts over the past year, and read about what other affiliates and members have been up to in their communities.
The group brings together judge advocates from all branches of service from across the U.S.
For her efforts, Patricia Bergquist is a 2022 recipient of MOAA’s Surviving Spouse Liaison Excellence Award.
Judith Thomas is a 2022 recipient of MOAA’s Surviving Spouse Liaison Excellence Award.
Col. Michael Kelly, USAF (Ret), legislative liaison for the Kansas Council of Chapters, is a 2022 recipient of MOAA’s Colonel Steve Strobridge Legislative Liaison Award.
Col. Ron Sarg, USAF, who served as legislative chair for the Dover (Del.) Chapter, is a 2022 recipient of MOAA’s Colonel Steve Strobridge Legislative Liaison Award.
Connect with members of other chapters and share your military experiences with younger generations to extend our sense of community.
The October issue of Council & Chapter News is now available. Learn how you can help strengthen the MOAA community, find details about upcoming chapter events, and read about what MOAA affiliates have been up to in their communities.
The chapter is teaming up with other local groups to make improvements and honor a World War I veteran buried there.
The September issue of Council & Chapter News is now available. Learn about the winners of the Levels of Excellence Awards, find resources and events for chapter leaders, and read about what MOAA affiliates have been up to in their communities.
Lt. Cmdr. E.A. “Rex” King III, USN (Ret), and his wife, Donna Snow King, teach teens valuable life and leadership skills.